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James 'Jimmy' Philip J.P.


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Sudden death of Mr. James Philip.

Mr. James Philip, the well-known Scottish football official and legislator, an ex-Aberdeen Town Councilor, died at his home in Aberdeen shortly after midnight on Saturday, at the age of sixty-eight years.

The end came unexpectedly with tragic sadness. Mr. Philip was present at the Aberdeen - St Mirren Scottish league football match at Pittodrie on Saturday afternoon, and at night he, with other members of the football club directorate, awaited the arrival at the Joint Railway Station of the Aberdeen F.C. reserve team from Paisley. Thereafter he attended a meeting of the Aberdeen directors in the Douglas Hotel. He went home and a few minutes after retiring for the night he died.

While holidaying in Ireland this summer Mr. Philip met with a motor accident, and his injuries seriously impaired his health.

In Scotland his name was a household one in the Soccer world. For over forth-two years he had been closely identified with Scottish football – as player, referee, official and legislator.

After he severed his connection with the Aberdeen Football Club in 1924, he entered the Aberdeen Town Council unopposed as representative for St Machar Ward, in succession to Councilor Munro, who retired. In 1927 his re-election was contested by Mr. George Bowles, but he defeated the Socialist. When in 1928 the whole council faced the electors, in consequence of the re-arrangement of the wards, he was one of the St Machar trio to be returned. The following year he had again to face the electors, and he was defeated by Councilor Beaton. He carved a niche for himself in the municipal temple of fame as convener of the Housing Committee at a time when the city’s big housing schemes were in the development stage.

Several clubs have been after the tall Aberdeen custodian, including Raith Rovers, Bradford City, and Tottenham Hotspur. The Bradford club has been exceptionally anxious to secure King's services, but apparently he prefers to serve the Tottenham club, particularly in view of the fact that the manager there is peter M'William, the well-known Scottish internationalist, late of Newcastle.

Football Career Mr. Philip’s first connection with football dated back to 1888, when he became one of the original members of the Aberdeen Football Association. He was its first treasurer, and later its president. In the ‘nineties he was one of the best-known Scottish referees, officiating at many memorable Cup and league struggle. On the merging of the Aberdeen, Orion and Victoria United into the present Aberdeen football club in 1903, he was appointed secretary, and when the club joined the second division of the Scottish league, he combined the secretarial and management duties. It was largely through his efforts that the Club gained admission to the First Division of the league. He retired in 1924. In 1927 he was co-opted to the directorate of the Club.

SFA Work Mr. Philip was one of the longest serving members of the Scottish Football Association council, his connection with the governing body of the game in Scotland extending off and on for forty years. He served on all its committees, including the International Selection Committee, he was convener of the Rough Play and Referees" Committee.

His interests in sport were not confined to football. Cricket claimed much of his attention, and he was also a keen swimmer and, until a few months ago, he was an every-day open sea bather.

He was one of the band of enthusiasts who formed the Engineer Volunteer Corps in Aberdeen.

He is survived by Mrs. Philip, two sons and three daughters. The eldest son James D., is a civil servant, and George, the younger, is a captain in the Mercantile Marine.

(Press & Journal, dated Thursday 13 Oct 1930)

News Article



Much regret will be felt in Scottish football circles at the news of the unexpected death of ex-councillor James Philip J.P., Aberdeen, who was for 30 years a member of the Scottish Football Association, and for many years manager of the Aberdeen Club at Pittodrie.

Mr. Philip had made a wonderful recovery from the accident in the early part of the summer, when he was knocked down and injured in a street in Belfast. He was at the football match a Pittodrie on Saturday afternoon, and at night was at the railway station to welcome the Aberdeen Alliance team on their return from a match at Paisley. Mr Philip was apparently in good health when he retired for the night at his residence, 13 Erskine Street, but he died at three o’clock yesterday Morning.

Mr Philip’s abilities as a member of the Scottish Football Association were widely recognized. On his retirement from the managership of the Aberdeen Football Club, he did good work as a member of the Town Council, especially as a convener of the Housing Committee. He is survived by Mrs Philip and a grown-up family. He was 68 years of age.

(The Scotsman, dated 13 Oct 1930)

News Article


Funeral of Mr. James Philip. Scottish Clubs Well Represented

There were hundreds of mourners at the funeral of Mr. James Philip, the Aberdeen Club director and noted football legislator, which took place from his home, 13 Erskine Street, to Trinity Cemetery, Aberdeen yesterday.

The cortege was representative of Mr. Philip's spheres of labour. Many of the leading lights in Scottish football were in attendance, and there was astrong representation of municipal and civic dignitaries with who Mr. Philip had been associated.

All the football bodies in Aberdeen and the north had representatives, and many clubs had members specially delegated to attend.

Cricket and swimming, with both of which recreations Mr. Philip was actively associated, were represented in the cortege.

The Rev. W. McLeod Girdwood, Belmont Street Congregational Church, conducted a service at the house. After the service in the house the coffin was carried to the hearse by players of the Aberdeen Football Club, and on arrival at the cemetery, the players again carried out this sad duty.

At the grave side, the Rev. C.V.A MacEchern, an old Aberdeen player, assisted Mr. Girdwood in a short service.

CHIEF MOURNERS The chief mourners were: - Messrs James D Philip (son); James A Hepburn and Henry W Brown (sons-in-law); George & John Forsyth (brothers-in-law) Andrew Shinie, Alex. Forsyth, W. Forsyth, John G Forsyth and Albert Connon (nephews).

The pall-bearers were: - Messrs James D Philip, George Forsyth, John Forsyth, James A Hepburn, H.W. Brown, Baillie MacGregor. William Philip, Robert Campbell (pres. S.F.A).

ABERDEEN F.C. The general body of mourners included: Messrs John Robertson Chairman; W. Philip, F.J. Whitehead, Eric Anderson, W.D. Hay and, W. Mitchell (directors) P. Travers, manager, A.M. Robertson, secretary, R.S. McDermid, captain, W. Russell, trainer, G. Ritchie, assistant trainer. Players representing Aberdeen Football Club. Messrs R. Campbell, president, R. Fleming, vice-president, George Graham, secretary, W. McIntosh treasurer.

Scottish Football Association Messrs W. Maley, Celtic F.C James Black, Forfar Athletic two lifelong friends.

OTHERS PRESENT. Mr A.R. Dick, Cowdenbeath, Baillie McGregor, Messrs John Munro, president, G.S. Falconer, and other officials, Aberdeenshire and district F.A.; A.A. Watt, president, Scottish counties F.A. W.C.P. Brown, Hearts; Owen Brannigan, Hibernian; Councilor Clarke, Ex-councilor Willox, Councilor Alex. Milne; Messrs Rutherford, Perth J. Lamb, Montrose A. Forbes, Inverness R. McGlashan, Arbroath, J. Henderson, Stirling L.B. McKay, James Leith, John Henderson; A. Miller, Edinburgh, assistant secretary, S.J.F.C. A. Broadbent Geo. Robertson, president, R. Stewart, secretary, J. Robertson, treasurer, referees' association; A.G. Smith, senior vice-president, referees associations; Councilor Catto Baillie Alex. Milne, E. Middleton, R. Watson, W. Philip, jun, A. Philip, P. Wilson, president, juvenile F.A, John Black, treasurer Aberdeenshire and District F.A, Tom Runcie, Peterhead Club, E. Fleming, F.J. Whitehead, jun, J. Donald, Aberdeenshire F.A, G.A. Anderson,J. Halkerston, secretary, Scottish counties F.A, James Walker, Forfar.

FROM TOWN COUNCIL J. Dowie Campbell, James Worling, Councilors, Burnett, Graham, W.A. Donald, E.W. Watt, James Donald, Swinney McKay. R. Milne auctioneer; G.S. Fraser town clerk, David Munro, Glasgow; John R. Harvey, secretary A.J.F.A.; A.R. Findlay, Henry Munro, Peter Craigmyie, Alex. Munro, J.C. Glennie, Tom Duncan, M. Grant, John Worling. Alec Edwards, Fraserburgh F.C. The Rev father Grant, C.E. Glennie, Dyce, one of the pioneers of football in Aberdeen T. Herd, Johnshaven, Geo. Robertson. ex-Aberdeen player Bert McLachlan, "Matt" Forsyth, John Wyllie, Robert Simpson, Willie Lennie, James Reid messenger-at-arms,ex-Baillie Glass, A.R. Grosert, James Chalmers (Bon-accord golf club), Geo. Deans, A. Esslemount, James Walker, Northern Counties Swimming Association Geo. Cromarty, W.B. Clark, supt. of parks G.M. Fraser, city librarian.

FLORAL TRIBUTES Among the senders of over fifty beautiful wreaths were the family and other relatives, Aberdeen F.C. Aberdeen F.C. Players Aberdeen F.C. Checkers Lord Provost. Magistrates and Town Council Scottish Football Association Scottish Football League Aberdeenshire and District Football Association The Aberdeenshire Junior Counties Association Aberdeen and District Referees' Association North of Scotland Football Association Queen's Park F.C., Queen of the South F.C., St Mirren F.C., Celtic F.C., Hearts F.C., Partick Thistle F.C., Hibernian F.C., St Johnston F.C., Rangers F.C., Fraserburgh F.C., Dundee F.C., Buckie Thistle F.C.

There was a beautiful tribute "from a few cronies" and one from the MacGregor Gathering, which was accompanied by the inscription: "In loving memory of a man who played the game - From MacGregor's Gathering, October 15, 1930.

(Press & Journal, dated Thursday 16 Oct 1930)

News Article


There was a very large attendance yesterday afternoon at the funeral of ex-councillor James Philip, a member of the Scottish Football Association for forty years and one of the directors of Aberdeen Football Club. The Rev. W. McLeod Gridwood, Belmont Street Congregational Church, conducted a service at the house. Representatives of leading football clubs all over Scotland and from the referees’ Association were present. The cortege, over three-quarters of a mile in length passed through streets lined with spectators. The burial was at Trinity Cemetery

Mr. Philip had made a wonderful recovery from the accident in the early part of the summer, when he was knocked down and injured in a street in Belfast. He was at the football match a Pittodrie on Saturday afternoon, and at night was at the railway station to welcome the Aberdeen Alliance team on their return from a match at Paisley. Mr Philip was apparently in good health when he retired for the night at his residence, 13 Erskine Street, but he died at three o’clock yesterday Morning.

Mr Philip’s abilities as a member of the Scottish Football Association were widely recognized. On his retirement from the managership of the Aberdeen Football Club, he did good work as a member of the Town Council, especially as a convener of the Housing Committee. He is survived by Mrs Philip and a grown-up family. He was 68 years of age.

(The Scotsman, dated 16 Oct 1930)

News Article


Passing of Aberdeen’s First manager His great Work for The Game By the death of Mr. James Philip, Scottish football has lost one of its best-known and most highly-respected servants. His passing, too, has left a big gap in Soccer circles in the North-East and particularly in Aberdeen. In casting one’s thoughts back over the years Mr. Philip was connected with the Pittodrie club, one must bear tribute’ to the great work he accomplished in piloting the concern through many difficult times. It can be said with truth that his task in the old days was no easy one.

During his tenure of the managerial office, Mr. Philip brought to Aberdeen many players who made history, while he also reared young local players who distinguished themselves in after years. Mr Philip, in building his teams season after season, was always keen on players having height and weight as well as ability. He was a great believer in having big strong half-backs. As an example of this, one has only to recall the names of Wright, Milne, and Maclachlan, who formed one of the best half-back lines the club has ever had. There were also W. Low, H. Low, Stewart Davidson, J Wyllie, and many others. He was recognised as one of the shrewdest judges of players in the country, while, incidentally, he was regarded as one of the ablest club managers we had.

There was no member of the Scottish Association more keen on helping to popularise the game in the Colonies. He was a great believer in this, and nothing pleased him more than when he was asked to accompany a Scottish team on a tour of Canada and the States. One could go on writing about what Mr. Philip did for the good of the game. His will never be forgotten in circles. He will be remembered as the first manager of the present Aberdeen club. In the years to come, the results of the great work he did in the past are bound to be seen and appreciated. His position as representative of the North-East, will be difficult to fill. Footballers and football followers have lost a good friend and wise counsellor. The sympathy of the community goes out to his widow and family in the sad loss they have sustained. The funeral, which took place to Trinity Cemetery on Wednesday, was one of the largest ever seen in the city. The Scottish Association, the Scottish League, all the big clubs, and junior and juvenile associations were represented, while many beautiful floral tributes were sent. The coffin was carried from the house to the hearse and from the hearse to the grave by six Aberdeen players, S. Smith, J. Smith, R. McDermid, W. Cooper, J. Black and H. McLaren.

(Aberdeen Bon-Accord and Northern Pictorial, dated Friday 17 Oct 1930)

News Article


The proceedings opened with a sympathetic reference by the chairman, Mr Robert Campbell (St Johnston F.C.) to the lost that Scottish football in general and the Council in particular had sustained through the death of Mr James Philip, Aberdeen. Joining the council in 1891, Mr Philip, he said might be described as having been the “father” of the council. He was chairman of the Referee Committee for 1924 till 1927, and a member of the Emergency and Finance Committee from 1927 until his death. A vacancy had thus arisen on the Emergency and Finance Committee, but the Council agreed not to make any appointment but leave the Committee as at present constituted.

(The Scotsman, dated Thursday 30 Oct 1930)

News Article


The funeral of the late Mr. James Philip took place on Wednesday to Trinity Cemetery. The interment within sight of Pittodrie, where as a director and former manager of the Aberdeen Football club, Mr. Philip spent so much of his energies and time. The coffin in seen in our photo, borne by six members of the Aberdeen team. In the background is seen the grandstand, and on the right the old pavilion where Mr. Philip carried out his managerial duties.

(Aberdeen Bon-Accord and Northern Pictorial, dated Friday 17 Oct 1930)


  • Within Sight of Pittodrie, Jimmy Philip's funeral.

    • Within Sight Of Pittodrie, Bon-Accord and Northern Pictorial, dated Friday 17 October 1930

    Trinity Cemetery, Erroll St, Aberdeen, AB24 5PP, Scotland

External Link


  • Family Tree Official's, Player's and staff details: Ancestry.com
    A.F.C Official's, Player's and staff details source: AFC Heritage - The Official Aberdeen Football Club Heritage Trust.
    Aberdeen Football Club 1904 Logo - Designed by Graeme Watson © 2019
    Header Background: Aberdeen Football Club, Pittodrie Stadium, Main Stand Entrance, 2015, Aberdeen, Scotland - Copyright © 2015 Graeme Watson.
    Insert Photo: James "Jimmy" Philip funeral, Aberdeen Bon-Accord and Northern Pictorial, dated Friday 17 Oct 1930 - No copyright - attached.
    Insert Articles: Newspaper Articles, Obituaries, Press & Journal, dated Thursday 13 Oct 1930, The Scotsman, dated 13 Oct 1930, Press & Journal, dated Thursday 16 Oct 1930, The Scotsman, dated 16 Oct 1930, Aberdeen Bon-Accord and Northern Pictorial, dated Friday 17 Oct 1930, and Aberdeen Bon-Accord and Northern Pictorial, dated Friday 17 Oct 1930, The Scotsman, dated 30 Oct 1930 - Courtesy of Stuart Wilkie. Insert Articles: Transcribed by Graeme Watson 2021.


Aberdeen F.C. - Family/DNA
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