Aberdeen FC - Chairman profile

John "Tinny" Robertson


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  • John "Tinny" Robertson

John 'Tinny' Robertson - original B&W picture - No copyright - attached - Colorisation by Graeme Watson 2022

John "Tinny" Robertson


  • Birth: 29 Sep 1864 • St Nicholas, Aberdeen, Scotland
  • Death: 17 Jun 1935 • Seaview, Newtonhill, Kincardineshire, Scotland

Chairman, 29 July 1930 - Jun 1935, Director 1914 - Jun 1935, Secetary

  • 14 Nov 1931

    Chairman during The Great Mystery
    Benny Yorston along with, Harry McLaren, Frank Hill, and Dave Galloway were implacated along with Jimmy Black, the following is from Jack Webster.

    Yorston was one of five Aberdeen players dropped after a 1-1 draw with Kilmarnock later that year. At the time, the reasons were not clear, but the club's official history claims that several players had been involved in a betting scandal. No players were ever charged with any offence, but none of them ever played for Aberdeen again.

  • 2003

    Jack Webster

    "When I tracked him down to that Chelsea flat, shortly before his death in 1977, Benny denied all knowledge of corruption - and even claimed to have no memory of the mystery which led to his departure from Aberdeen."

  • 2003

    "From the Pittodrie dressing room of the time I gained the gist of what happened. A number of players decided to place fixed-odds bets with Aberdeen bookmaker Will Jamieson, on the basis that the Dons would be drawing at half-time and winning at full-time. Clearly, they could have some say in these matters and even if they hoped to win the match, the attempt to arrange the half-time draw was in itself a corruption."

    (Webster, Jack (2003). The First 100 years of The Dons: The official history of Aberdeen Football Club 1903 – 2003. Hodder & Stoughton, London.)


  • Pittodrie Stadium Plans from the Family

    • Pittodrie Stadium Plans from the Family - Courtesy of Peter Aikman

    Architectural plans of Pittodrie Stadium, Aberdeen, Scotland, dated 1921-1922.


  • Portrait of John & Annie Robertson

    • Portrait of John & Annie Robertson - Courtesy of Peter Aikman


  • John at camp with the Scottish Horse Regiment

    • John at camp with the Scottish Horse Regiment - Courtesy of Peter Aikman

News Article


Prominent Tinsmith and Sportsman.

CHAIRMAN OF FOOTBALL CLUB. The Aberdeen Football Club has suffered loss by the death of its chairman, Mr John Robertson, who passed away at his summer residence, Seaview, Newtonhill, yesterday morning. Mr Robertson had been in failing health for some months.

The eldest son of the late Mr Joseph Robertson, fish merchant, Aberdeen, Mr Robertson was seventy-one years of age. After serving his apprenticeship a tinsmith Aberdeen, he went to London, where he improved his knowledge of the trade, and over forty years ago he started business on his own accouat as a tinsmith in St Paul Street.

His venture was a success from the start, and with the rapid growth of the business ho erected. larger and more commodious premises Roslin Street, which had to be expanded, necessitating the installation of the latest and most upto-date machinery. Mr Robertson did a big export trade -with the colonies and foreign countries, manufacturing biscuit, tea and food tins. He did not take part in the public affairs of the city.

He was, however, well known and highly respected in business circles.

Keen Interest in Football. It was through his association with the Aberdeen Football Club that Mr Robertson was particularly well known.

While he was Lotidon he took keen interest in the game and was one of the original members of the Miilwall Club.

He joined the Pittodrie board in. 1914, and was appointed chairman in 1930, succeeding Mr William Philip.

Mr Robertson was well known and respected football circles throughout Scotland and England, and his death wiil be regretted by many associated with the game in both countries. He took keen interest in the minor grades football in the city, and did much good work on their behalf. His heart was in the Aberdeen Club, and held the respect of his directors, officials and players. "was also expert rock fisher. He is survived by Mrs Robertson and three brothers, all of whom are in business in Aberdeen.

Late Mr J. Robertson.

(Aberdeen Press and Journal, dated Tuesday 18 June 1935)


  • John & Annie Robertson's Grave Stone

    • John & Annie Robertson's Grave Stone - Courtesy of Peter Aikman

    Springbank Cemetery, 81A Countesswells Road, Aberdeen AB15 7YH, Scotland

External Link

  • Family Tree Official's, Player's and staff details: Ancestry.com
    A.F.C Official's, Player's and staff details source: AFC Heritage - The Official Aberdeen Football Club Heritage Trust.
    Aberdeen Football Club 1950's type Logo is used to convey the meaning intended and avoid tarnishing or misrepresenting the intended image - This version designed by Graeme Watson 2019 (Logo is for representation only and use of the logo here does not imply endorsement.)
    Profile Photo: John "Tinny" Robertson - original B&W picture - No copyright - attached - Colorisation by Graeme Watson 2022.
    Insert Photos: John "Tinny" Robertson, Pittodrie Stadium Plans from the Family, Portrait of John & Annie Robertson, John at camp with the Scottish Horse Regiment, John & Annie Robertson's Grave Stone - Courtesy of Peter Aikman
    Insert Article: Newspaper Article, Mr J. Robertson Dead, Aberdeen Press and Journal, dated Tuesday 18 June 1935 - Insert Article: Transcribed by Graeme Watson 2021.
    Header Background: Aberdeen Football Club, Pittodrie Stadium, Main Stand Entrance, 2015, Aberdeen, Scotland - Copyright © 2015 Graeme Watson.


Aberdeen F.C. - Family/DNA
An un-official compilation of the family tree of Aberdeen Football Club's official's, player's and staff from 1881 to present from one personal family tree.

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