Aberdeen FC - Family/DNA

Roll of Honour 1914 - 1918 & 1939 - 1946

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Ode of Remembrance

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them. - Laurence Binyon

"Lest We Forget"

1914-1918 & 1939-1946

Roll of Honour

Trimmer: Frederick Watson, Company Serjeant Major: Charles Neilson M.A., Serjeant: James Hadden Neilson, Captain: Joseph Ellis Milne M.A. M.D. D.S.O. (R.A.M.C.), Captain: Herbert Murray M.C., Private: Alexander Fordyce, Gunner: Alexander Laing Halkett, Private: Gordon Allan Lawrie * (Allan Lawrie), Private: Andrew Hamilton, Quarter Master Sergeant: John Mackay, Gunner: John Munro, Lance Corporal: Angus McLeod, Lance-Corporal: Wilfred T. Toman, Private: David Gray Taylor, Private: William Lickley, Sergeant Observer: George Gardiner Scott, Flying Officer: John Waran Campbell, Major: Alexander Skinner Jackson.

  • Family Tree Official's, Player's and staff details: Ancestry.com
    A.F.C Official's, Player's and staff details source: AFC Heritage - The Official Aberdeen Football Club Heritage Trust.
    Header Background: Aberdeen War Memorial, Aberdeen, Scotland, 2015 - Copyright © 2015 Graeme Watson.
    ( Aberdeen War Memorial, Junction of School Hill and Blackfriars Street, Cowdray Hall, School Hill, Aberdeen, City Of Aberdeen, Grampian, AB10 1JQ, Scotland. )
    Individual Photos - Various sources and status, see individual profile page for details.


Aberdeen F.C. - Family/DNA
An un-official compilation of the family tree of Aberdeen Football Club's official's, player's and staff from 1881 to present from one personal family tree.